About Abstraction, featuring work by Chris Teeter and Jennifer Wiggs, is showing in the Mildred M. Cox Gallery at William Woods University, through Sept. 27.
Chris Teeter began his career as a visual artist with representational drawing and plein air painting. Afterward, for 10 years, he was involved almost completely with creating sculpture in steel or various media, including the doors at Orr Street Studios and many other sculptures. During the past three years he has returned to painting. This change in media is a change in form only, since the content of his artistic pursuits has always revolved around his interest in abstraction.
“I love how abstraction is, in varying degrees, without reference to representation and the external world and therefore presents itself somewhat enigmatically. The viewer is asked to think and perceive non-verbally, in effect, to jump from the familiar to the unfamiliar and participate in the final act of perception and understanding internally.”

Jennifer Ann Wiggs has a BFA from Indiana University and an MFA from Washington University, and she has taught art at the Art Department of the University of Missouri.
She is a member of the Watercolor USA Honor Society, and her award-winning work has been shown in Watercolor USA, the Living Artist’s Magazine, the Missouri Watercolor National, the National Exhibition of American Watercolor at the Taos New Mexico Museum, and the River Market Regional Exhibition in Kansas City.
Artist statement: The channel between realism and abstraction is rich territory for invention. These latest gouache paintings explore abstraction using sophisticated color relationships and simple shapes.

Brett Cottrell was born and bred in Las Vegas. His writings blend religious and political satire with whimsical, action-packed absurdity. He’s been a bartender, a drummer in a rock-and-roll band, a legislative intern and an attorney. He studied political theory at Boise State University and graduated from the George Washington University Law School. Cottrell lives in Columbia, Missouri, with his wife and their opinionated dog, Tico.
The End of the World Is Rye

What would you do for the perfect sandwich? Kill? Die? Well, if you were a rogue angel, you might just cause the Apocalypse. And it looks like that's just what he's about to do when he lands in a polygamist cult in Utah. So, now it's up to the rest of God's divine posse, including Jesus and Lucifer, to save all of existence from certain destruction. In his debut novel, Brett Cottrell takes you on a provocative, celestial roller coaster ride that will have you laughing on the edge of your seat all the way to the gates of Hell.
Orr Street Studios is located at 106 Orr St. in downtown Columbia, Missouri. Join us the third Tuesday evening of each month during the academic year for literary readings and visual-arts presentations.
Orr Street Studios is located at 106 Orr St. in downtown Columbia, Missouri. Join us the third Tuesday evening of each month during the academic year for literary readings and visual-arts presentations.